Reservation of online events
Book your space for the online felt transformation course or buy a gift card to offer this experience to your loved-ones!
Discover alsoheART transformation – the Course” – a transformative journey over 6 weeks!
The Magic of Transformation

“La Magie de la transformation – feutrage intuitif”
Envie de découvrir le feutrage d’une manière très intuitive et expérimentale ?
You want to explore the transformative and healing power of art, materials and colours?
If you want to unfold your intuitivity, your sense of experimentation, if you want to use art as your remedy to feel more stable, grounded, connectet and centered, this could be a course for you.
During felting we connect to our own creative and transformative power. In this sessions we enter into a dialogue with the material which helps us to get to know more about ourselfs and our inner depths and treasuries. The wool invites us to play and experiment with it in order to look on our lives in a joyful way or even to change inner states and perspectives for more ease and joy. The wool, cthe colors and the technique can help us to find more stability in our life, to accept that we are not able to control everything and to become more and more conscious about the fact, that we decide how we look at a situation and that we have the power to give it the direction we want it.
Pure magic!
The fee is 53€ for the 2h30 session. Spots are limited to 6 people per session !
If you are not sure if these sessions are made for you: I created a tutorial! Here you have the possibility to discover my way of working during the sessions!
Are there technical skills needed?
I recommend to only participate when you have at least basic skills in felting. I always use some of my technics with unlimited creative potential, but I will not explain in detail the technics in these sessions. If you are not sure about your skills, I recommand you to start with the little tutorial. I invite you to discover them here. Don’t hesitate to contact me for all your questions!
Book your spot in the calendar:

Gift cards
Offer a gift card to your loved ones to introduce them to the “magic of transformation”:
- Carte cadeau 1 atelier mensuel : 53 Euro

Online Workshop
Over 6 weeks

heART transformation – the Course
What is creativity? Where does it come from?
Do you feel limited in your creativity? Are there areas in your life where you don’t feel creative at all?
I myself always felt very creative in my artistic work. I felt connected to this unbounded source of inspiration and creativity. I felt a stream of energy flowing through my whole body, which pushed me to create.
On the other hand, for a long time I felt completely non creative in so many of the things in my daily life that I had to do and to manage. I perceived these things as a tiresome obligation. Longtime art was for me the only creativity I perceived, until I realized that my whole life is actually my biggest art work and masterpiece to work on.
Limiting beliefs about ourselves, high expectations and fears can block our natural and steady flow of creativity.
The point is that we all are creative at any time and at each moment. With each thought actually, we create our own life and future. This course is about becoming increasingly conscious about the essence of the creative force and the power of our mind and our inner attitude. So that we recognize how powerful we actually are!
In six weeks and ten steps, we will dive deep into this topic and bring out our creative treasures. We use artistic tools and exercises for this purpose. Making art is helpful in different ways. We can use the process as our “mirror”, as well as for stimulation, accompaniment and for the integration of transformation. Art is also a good way to involve our mind, our ego, to convince it to think and to function in new ways.
In this course we will mainly work with watercolor techniques during the online meetings. Concerning homework, everyone can work with whatever inspires them. Felt techniques are welcome, as well as any other technique. In this course it is important to me, to accompany each participant on their own path, to motivate and support individual resources and tools.
In this course you have the possibility to:
• Identify what is limiting your creativity to become more creative and fullfilled in every area of your life
• Transform limiting beliefs and attitudes
• Learn exercices to connect to your primal force and primordial trust to connect to your source of universal creativity
• Allow your self to expand
• Become magnetic for what you desire in life
• Find out what is your creative gift to the world.
You get:
• Online meetings with me and the group
• 1 one-on- one distance session with me: this is a possibility to work on your personal and individual theme and blockages
• Special facebook or whatsApp group to stay connected and to exchange during the whole duration of the course
• artistic tools and guided exercices during our online meetings
• the possibility to work with your favorite art tools for your homework in between our meetings (felting, painting, drawing, sculpture, clay, writing, whatever…you decide how much time you want to spend, at least 20 min. a day)
Price of the 6-week workshop: 440 Euro
To keep a high quality accompaniment the spots are limited! We work in a small group of max. 8 participants!
Dates of online meetings:
Meetings take approximatly 1 ½ to 2 h
August 19, 2021 at 7 p.m. (Paris time)
August 26, 2021 at 7 p.m
September 2, 2021 at 7 p.m.
September 9, 2021 at 7 p.m.
September 16, 2021 at 7 p.m.
September 23, 2021 at 7 p.m.

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