My videos about intuitive felting are a kind of guided felting meditations. They give also an inside about my way of working in my monthly online courses as well as my individual accompaniments.

Intuitively into the depth …
intuitive felting for personal growth
This video is adapted just as well for beginners as for advanced felters!
While felting, we encounter our own creative and transformative power. If we enter a real dialogue with the material and give ourselves the permission to diving completely into the process and our own inner flow of creativity, the technique as well as the material is able to serve us to make our own inner movements and topics visible to us. We experience that we are powerful creators ourselves and that we always have the choice to indicate the direction of the outcome. In the material as well as in our life: Perceiving situations, feelings, and thoughts, accepting them, letting them be, or changing them by oneself.
The material helps us in a very gentle and protective way to make our inner being visible on the outside. It invites us to play with the given and to experiment in order to change situations, states, feelings within us in an easy and playful way. Pure magic!
In this video I will show you a way of using the color BLUE and the felting technique to bring topics to the surface and to transform them.
Here you have the opportunity:
- To experience a technique for intuitive felting (from surface to sculpture)
- To let go, come in your own flow and to get involved with the help of your senses
- to trust even more your intuition and your feelings
- To use the material to learn more about yourself
- To experience a way how you can use the felting technique as your remedy for your well-being
- To become aware of your inner processes and your own creative and transformative superpower and how to use it for your best benefit and well being
- To unlock unused potential in you – to discover inner treasures that are still hidden in your own depth
Material list
- a felt pad (bubble plastique or towel)
- a small bowl for water
- a water sprayer or a sponge
- a piece of soap (for example olive soap; the more neutral, the more skin friendly)
- sharp embroidery scissors
(my favorite: https://www.sewessential.co.uk/prym-professional-embroidery-scissors-bent-4-10cm) - approx. 20 g of merino wool roving in different shades of blue (I like to use 16 or 18 mic)
My favorite: https://www.dhgshop.it/item-fibers-tops-slivers-extra-fine-merino-wool_0_0_1_1_1.php?a=28143&b=25978 - a little amount of silk fibers or other fibers in the video I used mulberry silk in blue
- maybe something to write on if you want to take notes
Duration of the video: approx. 1h24 min
Rate : 40€
Upon receipt of your payment, I send you the link to the tutorial. You will have access for an unlimited period.
It is a development process, an experience, which can be interrupted and continued at any moment. Sometimes the individual stages need time to work and mature within us and to develop further. Therefore, always feel inside yourself what feels right for you.
The most important thing is always listening to your own feelings, following your own inner impulses! Your wellbeing is your compass!

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